One of the obvious perks of working abroad is that you get to earn a bigger income. Compared with standard Philippine rates, salaries for overseas jobs are simply higher. You are able to provide better for your family.
With increased earnings, you really have to be careful with how you spend your money. Aside from supporting your family’s wants and needs, it is also a wise decision to invest some of your hard-earned cash to money-generating ventures.
Establishing a business can be a good way to ensure you will keep earning long after your working contract expires.
Here are some business ideas you can pursue when you go home – or even while you are still employed full-time abroad.
1) Blogging
Yes, maintaining a blog is actually considered a business. Many people make a living nowadays through blogging. To get started, all you have to do is to create a blog (or several blogs) and then fill it up with relevant content. You can make money through advertisements, affiliate marketing, sponsorships and others. You’ll be surprised how this simple idea can prove to be very profitable in the long run.
2) Food Cart Franchising
Now what’s great about food cart franchising is that you will not have to conceptualize the business from scratch. With a franchise, you inherit a system that will make it easier to proceed with your business operations even if you don’t have any experience yet. So all you need to get a business running (such as training, marketing, and many others) will be provided. Food carts are everywhere in the country and so with the right location (i.e. malls, schools, etc), you can expect to make a steady stream of income from this small business.
3) Water Refilling Station
For many homes and establishments, purified water is not a luxury but a necessity. This instantly means that you will always have plenty of customers once you have your own water refilling station. As with food carts, you can get a franchise for this business. The less expensive alternative, of course, is to do your own research. You have to look for a supplier for water refilling equipments plus you have to pick a nice location, too.
Of course, there are many other lucrative start-up business ideas you can explore such as internet marketing services, jewelry making, pawnshop, real estate, rice selling, travel ticketing services, and more.
What’s most crucial here is that you consider your strengths and passion so you can come up with a business idea that not only matches your budget but also your personality.
Keep visiting this blog and we’ll bring you more information about this topic on future articles!