If you are employed, applying for a Housing Loan through the Pag-IBIG fund may have to require you to take a day off or two to complete all the needed requirements. It is really a time-consuming process and so you really have to exert some effort if you want a successful application.
Well actually, that’s just one of the ways to apply for your dream house.
If you have access to the internet, you can also take advantage of available online tools. Of course, this option is far more convenient when compared to making a personal visit to the local Pag-IBIG office. You will be able to process your application right at the comfort of your own home and at the time of your preference.
Getting Started
To begin with, you have to log on to http://www.pagibigfund.gov.ph/housingloan/. Once you are logged in, enter your MID Number (Membership ID Number) or your RTN (Registration Tracking Number) and you will be led to the application page.
On the said page, you will be able to find the Amortization Calculator, a tool that can help you view a rough estimate of your amortization.
Requirements and Application Evaluation
After submitting all the required documents, you will have to wait for at least 20 days for the application results. In the past, Pag-IBIG asked applicants to submit 14 documents but the process has somehow been streamlined today with only 7 required documents, all of which are mentioned on the website. However, Pag-IBIG might require additional documents depending on the evaluation reports.
Some of the basic requirements include:
- Housing Loan Application with recent ID photo
- Proof of Income
- One valid ID
- Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
- Updated Tax Declaration and Updated Real Estate Tax Receipt
- Contract-to-sell
- Vicinity Map
For further information, visit the official Pag-IBIG website.