Strep throat is caused by bacterial infection that leads to sore and scratchy throat. This small portion of sore throat may lead to kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever if unthreatened. Children mostly experience strep throat but it can also occur to adults.
- Throat pain
- Pain when swallowing
- Reddish and swollen tonsils
- Red spots situated in the soft and hard palate
- Swollen lymph nodes situated in the neck
- Fever
- Headache
- Rash
- For younger children, nausea and vomiting
- Body aches
Luckily, you can treat strep throat without using antibiotic. These home remedies will eliminate the inflammation without using antibiotics
- Honey
Studies show that honey is potentially good in healing wounds, which can also be applied for strep throat. Simply mix honey with your regular tea or take it straight will provide a relaxing effect to your strep throat.
- Cayenne Pepper
Studies show that cayenne pepper offers treatment for muscle and joint pain. Simply dab it to the strep throat using a brush or you can mix it with water then gargle.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known for its antibacterial effect that soothes and heals wound including strep throat. Take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C three times a day will reduce the pain and inflammation.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Because of its healing powers, Apple Cider Vinegar became a known method of treating strep throat. Simply gargle water mixed with apple cider vinegar and immediately experience its effects.
- Salt water
Gargle with salt water. It helps relieve pain and inflammation.
- Cold beverages
Consume frozen desserts such as ice cream or popsicles.
- Drink Water
Keep the moisture of your throat by drinking lots of water to relieve symptoms.
- Rest
Strep throat is caused by bacteria which means it is contagious. Stay at home and rest well to relieve symptoms.
via : explorehealthyfood