The newest minimum salary in Korea increase for 2016 already approved by Korean government. From 5,580 won it will become 6,030 won which is about 5.14 US$ per hour. Although there’s a lot of arguments happened about this salary matter government has agreed to give up the said salary wage increase.
The labor unions wanted as much 10,000 won but the South Korean government only plugged down the fair minimum wage. On the other hand, some Overseas Filipino Workers in South Korea are happy enough and thankful for what they have. Some say it was a big help having an increase of salary to give an added financial support to their family back in Philippines.
If you are working for eight hours you can get an hourly wage of 6,030 won translates to 48,240 won a day and 1.26 million won a month. This is also the highest minimum wage salary increase since 2008. See the 2015 salary in Korea compare to 2016.