The truth about claiming another SSS benefit after receiving a maternity claim.
SSS Maternity benefit is one of the most filed and claimed benefits. It is really a relief for couples to receive this cash assistance in order to start for a new chapter which is raising a baby, or babies for some. However, there are special cases wherein a person who just recently filed for a certain benefit encounters a trouble in filing for another benefit because of another unavoidable circumstance. Just like what a blogger shared on, it is about a female SSS member who had to file for a sickness benefit after receiving her maternity assistance. The prevailing question is why her application for the sickness benefit was denied? Is it about her claiming her maternity benefit?
Based on the article, the writer’s sister experienced an illness less than 60 days since she gave birth, but she was able to smoothly process her SSS Maternity benefit and receive the cash assistance 1 month after she gave birth. Unfortunately, she was denied when she filed for SSS sickness benefit. The writer did some research because no one can provide a convincing answer and here are the results:
- A female SSS member who claimed and received her SSS Maternity benefit cannot claim and receive any other benefits in a prescribed period. For women who delivered normally or experienced miscarriage, they cannot claim within 60 days from the date of the delivery or the miscarriage. For those who underwent Caesarean, it is 78 days.
- In accordance by law, an SSS member may just receive one type of benefit in a specified time.
There are a lot of helpful benefits and assistance that the government is offering. But of course, we need to follow the laws covering them. For more information about SSS benefits, you may proceed to this link.