In case you are still not aware about it, the smartphone light that emits from mobile devices can be bad for your physical health. How much can it actually affect your overall well-being? Well, let’s take some factors into consideration before answering that.
According to studies, about 60% of people spend over 6 hours a day using their digital devices. All of these gadgets emit bright blue light to help users read information clearly on the screen. However, the light also prevents you brain from releasing melatonin, a hormone necessary to help you fall asleep. For this reason, experts are suggesting that people should stay away from their gadgets at least 2 hours before going to bed. Experts tell us that teenagers are often the victims of lack of sleep because of gadget use but some adults also fall into the tendency.
And guess what? Blue light emissions are not the only enemy.
Along with many other scientists, Dr. Martin Blank of the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University is making an appeal to the United Nations about the dangers of radiation from these devices. Researches indicate that children absorb about up to 4 times as much radiation as an adult.
These are among the top reasons why it is important to be wise in the use of mobile devices.
Sure, smartphones have become a necessity for most of us since it makes communication much easier. It allows you to send messages, make calls, access social media, take pictures, use GPS, and many other useul purposes.
As much as possible, however, one should at least minimize the use of such electronic devices, especially before bed time. It can really get in the way of getting a good night’s sleep so try to avoid using it if you want to enjoy a blissful rest.
Via:forhealthylifestyle / techinsider